6 steps to creating the perfect car advert

6 tips to creating the perfect car advert

Do you want to sell your car? Well, once you’ve jotted down all the info, all you need to do is create a quick, effective ad. One that stands out from the rest and says, “Yes, I am exactly what you need and you DO want to buy me right now!”

Now, your advert can’t exactly say that, but there are ways to get this message across. And luckily, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve been known to put out a good ad or 2 (or 4 or 5)… Heck, they’re all winners in our book, and we want to share the magic with you so that you can get the most for your car.

Here are 6 amazing tips straight from our marketing wizards to help you create the perfect car advert.

    Yes, the right info is important. So is your honesty about the car’s current condition. And so is the car’s history. But buyers want to see pictures of the car first, so they can judge the shape, colour, and condition for themselves.

    “To draw the buyer’s eye in, snap pictures in good lighting, consider the angle of the photo, try and get the whole car in, and include images from different sides. Also, don’t forget clear shots of the car’s interior to capture these details!” – Cobus Pieterse, Digital Marketer, King Price

    HOT TIP: Give your car a good clean, inside and out, before you take the pictures.

    Buyers want to know every detail, and so would you if you were about to part with 1000s of rands. So, make a note of all the details, and refer to your logbook, which will have all the info you need.These details usually include the car’s make and model, specification (such as, if it’s a ‘sport edition’), engine litre, brake horse power, and any other details you think that a potential buyer will want to know.
    The last thing you want is a buyer to show up expecting a 6-year-old silver bullet, only to see a 15-year-old silver fox, and turn the deal down flat. It’s just a waste of time for both of you, so be as accurate as you can when describing the condition of your car and create realistic expectations.

    “People are rarely interested in buying a product once they find out that you’ve held anything relevant back. That’s why it is so important to be as honest as possible and build trust between yourself and your market.” – Natalie Bisset, General Marketing Manager, King Price

    Most, if not all, buyers want to know about a car’s history. Make sure to include how many previous owners the car has had in your advert, as well as the car’s mileage, and the availability of a service history. You should also indicate if you have any docs to prove that you have taken care of the car, as this will boost the buyer’s confidence and influence their decision.TOP TIP: The more info that you give, the more intentional your buyers will be, because they won’t be getting in touch just to ask more questions… They’ll be getting in touch to view and quite possibly buy.
    Replaced the brakes recently? Low mileage? These are the things you want to highlight.

    “Make sure to lead with the positive features of your car and avoid clichéd terms, such as, ‘runs like a dream’ or ‘best car you’ll ever own’, because these can be vague and put buyers off.” – Cornea van der Merwe, Social Media Affiliates, King Price

    Sometimes the right words don’t come easily, so to help get your creative juices flowing, here’s a list of some funny things that have alternative meanings in the world of car adverts.

    WELL-MAINTAINED = I occasionally changed the oil.
    ALL ORIGINAL = I never fixed, adjusted, or replaced anything.
    NEEDS BODY WORK = I was blindsided by a taxi.
    LIKE NEW = Well, it will be to you.

And when you have your new car, don’t forget to come to us so that we can give it the same royal service and cover that you’ve come to expect from King Price. Whether you need comprehensive, third party only, or something in between, we’ll help you save on your insurance while giving you the cover that you need.

All you need to do is get a quote online, call our sales team on 0860 50 50 50, or pop us an email at [email protected]


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