Should You Purchase Your Home Loan Provider’s Buildings Insurance?

Purchasing a home is one of the most rewarding investments you can make in your lifetime. But, being a homeowner also presents a high level of responsibility such as safeguarding this valuable asset from damage. Unfortunately, we’re still a long way from floating homes, which means that a buildings insurance policy is currently your only option for providing financial protection […]

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6 Father’s Day gifts that he’ll actually like

Dear old Daddykins… Once a year we come together and give our fathers and father-figures a little treat to remind them that they’re pretty amazing. Well, even though he has become a veritable pro at smiling warmly at the very prospect of receiving his 100th pair of socks, soap-on-a-rope, and coffee mug, it’s starting to become a little easy to […]

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The king’s winter money advice

Staying on top of your monthly budget during the cold winter months can be a tricky business. Warming up the house with electricity and other sources of fuel, eating a little more, buying adorable scarves and coats by the ton, and so many other winter splurges. These things are precisely how you end up spending more in winter than any […]

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Protect your eyes while you’re driving

Your eyes are the windows to the soul. They’re also what you use to see where you’re going, a particularly handy ability when you’re driving. According to an article posted by Arrive Alive, your eyesight is the most important sense that you use when you’re on the road. It’s also an intensely active function, 1 that requires your eyes to […]

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The king has your back, your business, and even your bakkie.

Find the right cover for your home-based business Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? Do you work out of your home? Would you say that any of your equipment or products are stored at your home? Then you, oh conqueror of new worlds, need an insurer that understands the risks you face and knows very well that you need to keep […]

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You are your ultimate Valentine

We love you. Seriously, whether you’re part of our kingdom or not, we love our fellow countrymen and women… And given that it’s the month of love we thought we’d remind you that in our eyes, you’re a royal treat.

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