fire insurance for your business

Amp up your fire insurance for your business

You know what’s better than being prepared? Being even more prepared. Especially when it comes to protecting your aspiring business empire from going up in flames or sinking beneath the ground or suffering a violent riot.

We’ve thought ahead for precisely this reason and created optional extras that you can add to your fire cover and amp up your business insurance for a small additional fee. It’s just 1 of the ways that we’ve gone the extra mile to cover all the bases.

Check how you can be even more prepared with these 5 additional business insurance options.

1. Escalation

During each period of your insurance, the total amount that you’ve insured your business for will increase specifically for your buildings cover and for your plant and machinery cover. That’s more cover for a small additional fee.

2. Leakage

Leaks can cause hectic, not to mention expensive, damage to your business property. This optional extra covers you for the costs related to the loss and damage that’s caused by discharge or leaks from tanks, sprinklers, drenching systems or fire extinguishing equipment, pipes, or the appearance of chemicals, oils, liquids, fluids, gases or fumes.

3. Malicious damage

Disgruntled suppliers, angry ex-employees, outraged customers… You just can’t please everyone. There’ll be times when a person reacts badly, even if it’s completely not your fault, and takes it out on your business property. That’s why you can add this optional extra to cover intentional damage to your business.

4. Riots and strikes

The king has you covered even in the most dangerous of situations, including an aggressive and damaging riot or strike. If you choose this optional extra, you’ll be covered for loss or damage to your property from civil commotion, labour disturbances, riots, strikes or lockouts.

5. Subsidence and landslip

There’s the emotional sinking feeling you get, which isn’t great but won’t damage your business. And then there’s that literal sinking feeling as the land sinks beneath your feet, taking your business with it and causing astronomically expensive damage. This specific extra covers you from damages caused by subsidence and landslip.

6. Trust our royal experts

You may have a good idea about which of these extras is important for your business’ financial safety… Or you might be wondering if you should invest in any additional cover at all and if you should, which are the most relevant to your business.

That’s why our expert business insurance team will work through your broker to make sure that your business has exactly the cover that it needs. Remember, if you don’t have a broker, we’ll connect you with 1 who is best suited to you and your business.

Click here to see more on King Price business insurance.

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