What fire insurance doesn’t cover

It can be a bit dull to explore the terms of an insurance contract and weed through all the info just to discover the ins and outs of how fire insurance for your business works. It can also be confusing. But we know very well how crucial it is for you to know these details. Specifically, we understand how important […]

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What’s covered under our fire insurance

So, you’re thinking about adding fire insurance to your business cover. Or you have it already. But apart from knowing that it has something to do with covering the cost of dealing with a fire in your business… You’re a bit clueless. That’s okay. We’ve broken down what’s included with your cover right here, in plain English. What ‘fire’ cover […]

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What even is buildings combined insurance?

Buildings combined insurance, what is that? Business buildings cover, buildings combined, business property insurance… Whatever it’s called, this type of insurance covers your business’ building/s and structure/s from loss and damage that could take your business from thriving to barely surviving. (Man, it feels good to rhyme. It makes the point less scary, without compromising the meaning.) But we digress. […]

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How to claim for fire damage in your business

Very few things can devastate a business like a fire sweeping through it. Think about the stock that you keep on your business premises alone and what that loss would do to your turnover. You would most likely be out of business for a while, which is hardly good news for your bottom line. The king (and his team of […]

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Amp up your fire insurance for your business

You know what’s better than being prepared? Being even more prepared. Especially when it comes to protecting your aspiring business empire from going up in flames or sinking beneath the ground or suffering a violent riot. We’ve thought ahead for precisely this reason and created optional extras that you can add to your fire cover and amp up your business […]

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Why your business insurance should include fire insurance

4 reasons why your business needs fire insurance The expression ‘sizzling hot’ is nice when describing your monthly sales figures. After all, we all like to play about with clichéd descriptions when we’re celebrating a good month. It gives your success that extra bit of fun. However, it’s hardly the type of phrase you’d want to see play out in […]

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