A good insurance plan is a must-have if you’re a car owner. It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself to be a very safe driver, the fact remains that if you don’t have a protective vehicle policy, you face financial risk every time you drive. Comprehensive cover will provide you with peace of mind in the event that your car […]
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How affordable is your car insurance really?
When last did you take the time to check what your car is currently worth and then compared it to the so-called affordable car insurance premium that your current insurer is charging you? As would be expected, and by no fault on your part, the answer might very well be that you rarely or never do. However, did you know that almost […]
Read moreHow to compare car insurance quotes
With insurance companies that are a dime a dozen in South Africa, it can become a very daunting task to compare car insurance quotes and make a sensible decision on which one serves your particular insurance requirements the best. But the best way to compare car insurance quotes wisely; is to make sure that you compare apples with apples. Here […]
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