Life lessons that only cyclists know

There are quite a few parallels between riding a bike and life. Sounds iffy, but it’s true! Since we got in the business of insuring bicycles for just R1 (more on that later), we’ve taken a vested interest in cycling. For some, it’s a hobby that gets you out of the office and into the fresh air… For others, it’s […]

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Our royal guide to multi-car insurance

No person is an island (or so we’ve heard), and very few people live alone. That’s just a fact. Between your partner, kids, other family members, and any additional souls you’ve given home and board to, you might not be able to find a moment of peace. In fact, you might be dreaming of your very own island, with heaps […]

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Things you should never do after a car accident

There’s 1 thing that’s never in doubt when it comes to our take on insurance. We always, always, always prioritise what’s best for you. We’re basically obsessed with creating quality insurance products to cover the risks that threaten your valuables. We’re also crazy about making sure that our insurance is super cheap so that you can afford it. And we’re […]

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How age affects your insurance premium

What’s age got to do with insurance? A lot actually. How it affects your insurance tends to depend on the type of insurance we’re talking about. For instance, when it comes to life insurance, your age plays quite a big role in how much you’ll pay. It’s better to get cover as early as possible, not only because anything can […]

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How our South African weather affects your premiums

It seems like the world’s split down the middle when it comes to global climate conditions. From what we’ve seen on social media, you can either be a climate change denier or an activist. Or to put it another way, you either believe that we’re destroying the planet and need to change the way we live on this earth or […]

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Ways to save on petrol

Save around R1,000 a month on fuel costs Fuel hikes are so commonplace that it’s almost boring. Until you check your account and see that you’ve got even less at the end of the month than normal… It’s rough out there for motorists. But luckily, the king has sent out direct orders for us to help you save your pennies […]

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