Better ways to save in 2019

Start the year with a bunch more in your pocket. January is that 1 month that tends to feel like 3. Financially speaking, of course. We can all agree that there’s nothing like a rough month to make 4 weeks feel like forever. It just keeps going on and on and on… That’s just no way to start the year. […]

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Scratch and dent insurance cover

Cover for when your car needs a little TLC The king’s scratch and dent insurance covers minor repairs to the exterior of your car. It’s comforting car care for those mysterious little dings thathappen in parking lots, and those annoying spots of tar that stick like superglue. Our clients love it and so will you! What’s covered by the king […]

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Does shortfall cover make sense for you?

Let’s take a hot minute to talk about shortfall cover. It’s now a thing that you can get in the insurance world. We don’t just jump on any old band wagon when it comes to insurance products. We either pioneer out-of-this-world products with ridiculously amazing benefits that make perfect sense for our clients (like our decreasing premiums and R1 insurance)… […]

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Compare car insurance premiums

Compare Car Insurance Premiums and find out why the king is the obvious choice when it comes to car insurance. There’s not a single day that goes by without your car losing value. If you keep very still, you can probably hear the sound of its monetary worth dwindling. And yet… You continue to pay the same flipping premium, month […]

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