A world without insurance

Insurance should be a way of life. It offers you peace of mind in the event of any incident, ensuring that you’re financially covered…. And by a king no less. Without it, you might have a few extra bucks in the bank, but the real question is, for how long?

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What to look for in a new car

Buying a new car is a reason for celebration, but it can also be the cause of many sleepless nights. As you know, that new set of wheels is going to start depreciating the moment you turn it out of the dealership, which means that you need to think carefully about how you’re going to get the most out of […]

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My parents were right: Car insurance

As long as there have been cars on the road, there have also been fender-benders, pedestrian incidents and  unfortunate accidents. If you’ve ever faced the financial consequences of these circumstances, it’s hard not to hear your parents’ voices in your head. They always seem armed with wise sayings, and probably told you all about the benefits of getting car insurance. […]

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Top apps for your car

There are so many smart phone apps out there, that it can be hard to know which one is right for you, and which ones are just a waste of bandwidth. The king’s been looking around on your behalf, and I’ve found the most useful and best priced apps for you to download that will help you make the most […]

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Save money on car maintenance

Isn’t it funny how just a little bit of knowledge can make a big difference to the way you do things? Well kids, hold onto your hats because the king’s about to hit you with some knowledge that’s going to blow the back of your head right off.

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5 Things You Can Do for Free This Weekend

Remember when going to the movies cost just R12, and a big coke cost R7? And you could keep yourself entertained at the local arcade for hours with R20? Well, if you do remember all that then you should know that in addition to being nostalgic, you’re also kinda… How do I say this delicately? Old.

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