How much could you pay for car insurance?

So how much could you pay for car insurance? Cars rank among our most valuable possessions, which is why it makes so much sense to ensure that your precious, 4-wheeled baby is covered for theft and damage. How much you’ll pay depends on a few different factors, like your personal circumstances, including where you park the car, how long you’ve […]

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The ultimate checklist for insuring your home business

Running a small business from home is 1 of the most convenient and cost-effective decisions an aspiring entrepreneur can make. Not only does it give you the advantage of being flexible, but it helps you keep your overheads down low for as long as possible. It also means that you can enjoy spending more time with your family.

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What’s in your cubby hole?

Way back when, drivers used to keep their hands at a comfy, cosy temperature by wearing gloves whenever they took to the open road. That’s because most early cars didn’t have a hard top so the fast-moving air would cool the drivers’ hands and make them numb.

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The 7 wonders of our royal kingdom

At King Price, we’re so much more than just a building full of slush puppy zombies… We’re a family. That means that there’s the odd clash, perhaps an incident of hair pulling, and the occasional water balloon fight. It also means that we’re fun-loving, hard-working, and are always around to lend a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on. […]

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The art to buying the perfect present

There’s nothing quite like seeing the expression on that special someone’s face when they’ve unwrapped a perfect present you spent forever looking for… You know the look that we’re talking about. There’s a split second of “what-on-earth” before a sugary sweet, fake as xylitol smile appears. Usually, it’s accompanied with a, “Oh, you shouldn’t have…”

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We have 1 of the lowest claims overturned rates!

Insurance claims overturned – The 2015 report of the Ombudsman for Short-Term Our goal is to offer you (and the rest of South Africa, for that matter) the chance to get super cheap insurance, to benefit from premiums that decrease every month in line with their car’s depreciating value, and to enjoy the kind of royal service that always puts […]

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