Get the most out of your assist insurance benefits It’s super important to consider price and what it is exactly that you’re covered for when you’re in the market for insurance. But that’s not the only thing. You should also consider the insurance benefits you get with your cover. You know, the nice-to-have’s. The cherry-on-top’s.
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These 5 insurance claims were a JA-OKE
For the most part, insurance claims are no laughing matter. Mostly they’re humdrum affairs… You know, a rear-end here and a broken cellphone there. Sometimes they can be financially draining, stressful, and even emotionally tough to deal with. That’s where we step in and help you deal with the rough stuff. Of course, we’ve also seen our fair share of […]
Read moreKing Price Inspection Centres – The 411
When you buy a used car, one of the first things you need to do (just so you can sleep easy at night) is arrange insurance for your royal ride. And then make sure you visit one of the King Price Inspection Centres.
Read moreWhy buildings insurance claims fail
Buying a property might be one of the biggest purchases you will make in your life time and it’s probably something you’ll be paying off for quite some time. This gives you all the more reason to insure it, and to ensure that if something goes wrong that your insurance pays out. Unfortunately, there are pitfalls that many are unaware […]
Read moreThe king’s top tips to ensure our water supply
What is the one thing you would undoubtedly consider essential to your survival? Is it your IPhone 6? Your laptop? Or even your vintage convertible? While all of those things can be insured, the 1 thing that is absolutely essential to human survival can’t be.
Read moreWhy you should choose King Price
Although we have a lot of freedom in South Africa, thanks to the important people in our past who all fought so hard for it, the freedom that is often overlooked and taken for granted is our freedom of choice. Once upon a time, South Africans had very little freedom of choice when it came to choosing service suppliers and […]
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