Keep up to date in 2016

The presents have been unwrapped and the new year is upon us…If you blink too quickly this next year might just be gonners! We all know that change is as good as a holiday… And more often than not the holidays bring about lots of change. For some, this means a change in work, for others it might be a […]

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Don’t give away your getaway

Going away over the festive season, for some of us, is an absolute necessity. It is all about getting away and relaxing after a long year and, to a certain degree, to recharge in preparation for the year ahead. This isn’t likely to happen if you’re sitting at your dream holiday destination, worried about all the possible things that could […]

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Survive the aftermath of an accident

BRAKE…SCREECH…SMASH… This is probably one of the worst sequences of events any car owner could ever imagine. Not only does the aftermath of this sequence usually cause immense trauma (because let’s face it: your car is your baby), but it can also rip a hole in your pocket.

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What to do when someone else hits your car

Is there anything worse that comes with the shame and the overwhelming sensation of sheer idiocy of klapping your own bumper into a pole, or a fence, or a wall, or…. You get the idea. Yes, actually, there is. That’s the sheer indignation of having someone else smack into you at a great speed.

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Road sign safety quiz

When driving, your focus should always be on the road and the conditions of the traffic around you (read: other cars). But road signs are an important part of avoiding dangers on the road, and of staying safe on long trips. Sure, we all think we know all of the road signs, but do we? I mean, do we really? […]

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8 Ways to make your insurance claim more efficient

Claiming from insurance is never going to be an enjoyable process. After all, needing to claim means that something has gone wrong – be it a car accident, a burglary, a fire or simply misplacing something of high value. However, if you do need to make a claim, there are ways in which to make the process as efficient as […]

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