3 Years young and going strong!

As you might have gathered from the cupcakes and balloons flying around our office the last week, King Price turned 3 on the 2nd of June. It’s been 3 amazing years since we turned the insurance industry upside down with our crazy ideas: like being the only insurer in South Africa (in the world, actually) to decrease it’s premiums monthly, […]

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Comprehensive car insurance

Imagine having coverage so thorough it’s fit for royalty. All of those little ‘oopsies’, and even the larger ‘uh-ohs’, would be taken care of. Well, this extensive kind of policy can be yours. Only, instead of being reserved for a king, it’s offered by one. With King Price, when we say comprehensive car insurance, we’re talking about our 5-star deal.

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Keep yourself and your stuff safe on the road

Crime is just one of those terrible things that you’ll find wherever you go. The fact is that when you’re on the road, you, and the stuff you have with you, are an attractive target to thieves and hijackers. While there’s little that you can do to control the actions of others, you can try to do the best you […]

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A world without insurance

Insurance should be a way of life. It offers you peace of mind in the event of any incident, ensuring that you’re financially covered…. And by a king no less. Without it, you might have a few extra bucks in the bank, but the real question is, for how long?

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My parents were right: Car insurance

As long as there have been cars on the road, there have also been fender-benders, pedestrian incidents and  unfortunate accidents. If you’ve ever faced the financial consequences of these circumstances, it’s hard not to hear your parents’ voices in your head. They always seem armed with wise sayings, and probably told you all about the benefits of getting car insurance. […]

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Rather be safe than sorry

Sadly, crime is a reality not just in South Africa, but in many countries in the world. But we believe it’s better to be prepared rather than paranoid, so I’ve put together a couple of extra-safe safety precautions to keep you, your car and your stuff protected every day of the year. By now you should all know about how […]

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