Hidden gems for your next mini break

It’s hard to believe that we’re already in March… Where is the year going? And more importantly, now that we’re officially at the end of the first quarter of 2015, where are you going to celebrate? Mini-breaks are a great South African tradition. Simply take a half day’s leave on a Friday, drive out to somewhere close enough to be […]

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Insurance claims tips

  “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again”   Let’s get one thing straight, King Price would never leave you in pieces. That being said, we could only offer dear old Humpty our full support if he provided us with the […]

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Hitch a ride with the king

We’ve all attended an awesome party, work function or date with friends, where the energy is electric, the liquor flowing, and no one wants the fun to end. Unfortunately, the night always winds down, guests leave and you slowly realise that it definitely isn’t a good idea to drive home.

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Power to the people!

How to stay productive when the lights are out… Load shedding….Rolling blackouts….Generator jubilation…. Whatever you want to call it, at some point in your life, as a working South African, you’ll be faced with having the lights go out when you’ve got things to do. The problem of power outages has long been tackled by appliances that try to provide […]

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Updating your insurance policy information

Incorrect details mean incorrect cover, and when it comes to insurance, it’s as simple as that. Imagine how you’d look if you tried to claim for damage on your home and, in our books, your address is different. It’s awkward… And kind of a big deal breaker. As service providers, we know that life sometimes gets in the way of […]

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How to prevent your geyser from bursting

Let’s face it, your hot morning shower, or steamy evening bath is probably one of the greatest pleasures of your day. Hot water is what separates us from the animals. Hot water and WiFi. And while King Price buildings insurance clients can sing their favourite tunes while they scrub-a-dub-dub, knowing that the king has their geysers insured in the event […]

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