
King Price insurance has several policies available to not only suit your needs, but also your budget. We’re super cheap and proud of it. So, before you make any hasty decisions, throw yourself a bone and consider all of the options first. Your choice our pleasure

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A quick guide to King Price’s policies

Making sure that all of your precious treasures are covered can be confusing (and let’s be honest, kinda boring unless you insure with King Price). Sure, getting car insurance for your car is straightforward…. But what about everything else?

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Our royal family values

At King Price, we treat one another like family…. So yes, there is a lot of hair pulling and water balloon fighting, but it also means that there’s always a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on! On this week’s ‘a word from the king’, I want to share our family values with you.

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Let the king cover your new goodies in 2015

Ah, January, you are a cruel mistress….Despite being only 31 days long, January is still the longest month of the year for most of us. Our year-end bonuses have long since been spent on gadgets, goodies and holidays, and we’re all just counting the days till our next payday.

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Are we there yet?

I know that many of you are planning to travel across our vast and beautiful country over the December break. But before you pack your padkos and practice screaming ‘I swear, I will turn this car around!’, please read our road trip safety tips on this week’s ‘a word from the king’. Your safety is our concern…. Always.

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How to keep your castle safe while you’re on holiday

Summer’s here, and while you might be more concerned with making sure you’ve got enough sunscreen and spending money for your December holidays, I suggest you also spend a little time making sure your home will be protected while you’re away soaking up the sun.

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