Protect your eyes while you’re driving

Your eyes are the windows to the soul. They’re also what you use to see where you’re going, a particularly handy ability when you’re driving. According to an article posted by Arrive Alive, your eyesight is the most important sense that you use when you’re on the road. It’s also an intensely active function, 1 that requires your eyes to continually move, adjust, receive, and process a constant flow of visual impressions.

As you can see (#PunIntended), it’s important to identify those factors that could strain the old peepers, reduce your ability to drive on the road, and decrease your safety. And the king just can’t abide that. So, take a good look at this advice to make sure that your eyes are in tip top condition.

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Fight the glare.

Statistically speaking, it takes 6 – 8 seconds for your eyes to adjust to the sun’s glare while driving. That’s around 6 seconds of driving with a blindfold on. Eish. The common sense solution is 1 that many drivers forget about, but this ‘driving blind’ scenario can be avoided by donning a pair of sunglasses that have UV protection.

Fight the night blindness.

A few of us out there suffer from night blindness. In fact, for those who experience this, the idea of driving at night can be daunting.

Here’s how you can improve your night driving vision:

  • Keep your windscreen clean and streak-free on both the inside and outside, because dust particles and dirt cause light waves to scatter, which causes a halo-effect.
  • The same applies to your glasses, so keep them clean on both surfaces.
  • Do you wear lenses at night? Then they should be clear and have an antireflective coating to combat the “halo effect” and increase the flow of light through the lens to the eye.
  • Keep your headlights clean and properly aligned, this way you can prevent any undesirable glare occurring in front of you.

Check for the signs.

Don’t be a denier. If you (don’t) see something, then say something. What we mean, is that if you notice any signs of changes in your vision, like blurring, make an appointment to see an optometrist immediately.

Do what you can on your own.

  • Regular exercise, like walking, is said to reduce the risk of age-related eye-sight degeneration by up to 70%.
  • Protect your eyes from harmful UV light by wearing sunglasses with proper UV protection.
  • A healthy diet, full of bright fruit and veggies can help reduce cataracts later in life.

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