9 safety tips for women to use every day

The nation has experienced an unprecedented amount of media coverage on crimes against women in this country. It’s been happening for years and year, but now… Well now, everyone knows. It’s traumatic, it’s scary, and it’s unacceptable. While whole communities, businesses, and individuals are coming together to take a stand against this threat and bring change, there are many people […]

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What to do while waiting for roadside assist

The king’s on his way, so stay safe It used to be a marginally irritating experience to encounter a flat tyre, run out of fuel, or break down and get stuck on the side of the road. And by marginally irritating, we mean a gigantic frustration that rear-ends your day or your holiday. Now, there’s the added element of fear […]

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Car checklist related to reducing your risk on the road.

The most dangerous roads in SA… Try to avoid them this #HeritageDay Have you got plans to celebrate your cultural heritage by taking off a little time around Heritage Day? You’re in luck, because this year our beloved, often affectionately titled “National Braai Day”, falls on a Monday… Giving you the perfect opportunity to enjoy a long spring weekend, perhaps […]

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Basic car checklist you can do at home

Basic car checklist that’s free (because you can do it at home on your own) Did you know that the average South African drives around 12,000km every year? To a travelling supplier, that probably doesn’t seem like much. To a regular Joe, living in a small town in the Karoo, it probably seems ridiculously high. No matter how much you […]

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10 essential items to keep your car for emergencies

The top 10 essential items to keep your car for emergencies. Breakdowns and flat tyres don’t usually happen when you’re close to the nearest garage. That would be too easy. Usually, incidents like these happen at the most inconvenient time, away from home, and could even be quite dangerous. For instance, when you’re on a long-distance journey and between safe […]

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Protect your eyes while you’re driving

Your eyes are the windows to the soul. They’re also what you use to see where you’re going, a particularly handy ability when you’re driving. According to an article posted by Arrive Alive, your eyesight is the most important sense that you use when you’re on the road. It’s also an intensely active function, 1 that requires your eyes to […]

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