The low-down on hijacking

High risks might at times reap high rewards, but there are some risks that just aren’t worth taking. You might be taking risks during your daily routine that you’re not even aware of. If you’re a car owner, the most unknown risk you are probably taking, is the risk of being hijacked. No South African can ,with certainty, be safe […]

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Road sign safety quiz

When driving, your focus should always be on the road and the conditions of the traffic around you (read: other cars). But road signs are an important part of avoiding dangers on the road, and of staying safe on long trips. Sure, we all think we know all of the road signs, but do we? I mean, do we really? […]

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The most dangerous roads in South Africa

With Heritage Day falling on a Thursday this year, we know that many of you clever clogs probably had your leave forms filled in and submitted to take Friday off as well months ago. A 4-day long spring weekend? What a perfect time for a road trip- right? Right! But as with all good things in life, taking the perfect […]

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What to do if you hit an animal with your car

For many animal lovers, it’s their worst nightmare- hitting an animal with their car. But it can and sadly does happen, very often. Both domestic and wild animals are regularly hit by cars, and even when the accident does not prove fatal, it can be very traumatic for the animal- and the people-involved.

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The worst drivers in the world

It’s one thing to try driving in a country you’ve never been to before. There are all kinds of different rules, signs and regulations- and that’s assuming you’re lucky enough to be driving on the side of the road (and the car) you’re the most used to, but driving in a country that’s earned a reputation for having treacherous roads […]

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10 Things you should have in your car

If you have to drive to work and back every day, you’ll understand by now why a lot of us consider our cars to be like a second home…. A mobile second home that you can sing along to Bon Jovi really loudly in. Just like in your own house, you need to consider what supplies you might need if […]

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