safest province

The safest province in SA to build, rent, or buy a house

The safest province to call home in South Africa

The safest province to call home in South Africa – You want a home. Some place to call your very own. And before we burst into song, let’s just all agree that whether you’re looking for a quaint garden cottage or a sexy urban townhouse, that special place where you house your fluffy frog collection needs to be secure. After all, it’s your safe space where you entrust your personal loves, likes, secrets, and passions.

You need to believe that your home is safe and secure, and sadly… That’s not always the case in our sunny land. According to the Stats SA Community Survey for 2016, housebreakings and home robbery were the top 2 crimes hitting South African households over the past 12 months.

Obviously safety is part of your research when it comes to choosing your new home. Well, we’re here to help you with that. In more ways than 1. So without further ado (or the threat of further singing), here is the statistically safest province in South Africa… And of course, we’ll also share with you how we else we can help you out.

So where is the safest province to call home?

And the lucky winner is… Limpopo.

Not only do those living in Limpopo get to enjoy the region’s unspoilt wilderness and glorious patchworks of farmland, but almost 90% of people who live in Limpopo say that they feel safe during the day.

In fact, only 4.2% of households in Limpopo claimed to have experienced criminal activity, which is the lowest in the country.

The facts:

Housebreakings in Limpopo = 2.2%

Home robberies in Limpopo = 1.1%

How else can we help you?

Sure, statistics are helpful when it comes to choosing where to live. We don’t doubt that for a second. Surveys like the the Stats SA Community Survey for 2016 tell you more about household crime levels across the nation, so you’ll be better informed when it comes to choosing to buy or rent your next castle.

Of course, people are unpredictable. Stats can only take you so far. So, what’s more concrete than stats? Cover from King Price. Hey, you asked and we can only speak the truth. And nothing but the royal truth.

When it comes to insuring everything in your home, King Price offers comprehensive household cover against your valuables that are stolen or damaged at your home or outbuildings. Oh, and let’s not forget our unbeatable premiums and royal service.

When the unforeseeable and, well, just plain nasty stuff happens, we’ll be there. Taking care of you.