The king’s journey…

Can you believe it’s only 3 years ago that King Price was launched? Yup, it was in 2012 (the same year The Avengers came out) that the noble king of price came to save South Africans from ridiculously high insurance premiums that only went one way…. Up. In that time we’ve overcome a few tricky hurdles and celebrated some massive […]

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The king’s portable possessions insurance for your precious things

Between laptops, smartphones, smarter tablets, your designer sunglasses, and the classical guitar you take to entertain your friends at dinner parties, the chances are you have quite a few precious possessions on you at any given time.

Well, did you know that King Price offers portable possessions insurance specifically for the things that you carry with you?

It’s true, we do.

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Why it’s a good idea to get the king’s cab with your car insurance

Good ideas are hard to come by… I mean, there are plenty of ideas to be had, but very few of them are good. Take a look at an idea I came up with last night: A series of phrase books to allow dog owners to communicate better with their pets. The first edition will be ‘Alsatians’, followed by ‘Border […]

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