You are your ultimate Valentine

We love you. Seriously, whether you’re part of our kingdom or not, we love our fellow countrymen and women… And given that it’s the month of love we thought we’d remind you that in our eyes, you’re a royal treat.

Of course, with life being so busy and there being so many demands put on you, you might have forgotten how great you are. That is a tragedy! Part of living your best life is to know your value. That’s why we’ve gone around the kingdom and asked all of our royal lovers for helpful tips to give you some ideas on how you can show yourself some love…

Love yourself by being more healthy.

Loving yourself comes in all shapes and sizes. For some, it’s as simple as taking time to yourself in a bubble bath. But for others, it takes the form of caring more for your health. A happy body has a huge impact on a happy mind, which = building a lasting relationship with yourself.

Here are 4 achievable health tips to help you love your body and yourself:

  • Sleep more by calling it a night at least 1 hour earlier.
  • Cut back on sugar, like switching to a natural sweetener for your hot drinks and satisfying your sweet tooth with dark chocolate.
  • Eat less processed foods, like pasta, because there are hidden sugars, salt, fats, and other things you didn’t even know you were consuming.
  • Exercise more by heading out for a walk or jog at least 3 times a week for around 30mins at a time.

Love yourself by increasing your happiness.

Happiness isn’t everything (because #health and #doingtherightthing, etc.), but we can all agree that the love flows more freely when we’re happier. For instance, your inner voice is more positive and you’re much kinder to yourself when you’re in a happy space.

Here are 4 achievable happy tips to put into practice today:

  • Smile: even forcing a smile decreases stress.
  • Sniff a lemon: the scent can lead to a significant decrease in mood disturbance.
  • Dark chocolate: the antioxidants can trigger your blood vessels to relax, lowering your blood pressure.
  • Go outside: just a walk around the block at lunch with exposure to greenery can seriously boost your mental health and put a happy spin on your outlook.
  • Invest in a hobby: especially 1 that releases endorphins, like hiking or cycling (or any exercise-related activity).

Love yourself by being more present.

Living for the past or the future robs you from appreciating your here and now, and when you fail to register the present it can be tough to enjoy and love your life. One of the best ways to love yourself is to be more present, which we can help you achieve!

Here are 4 achievable tips:

  • Go tech-free: limit your nightly digital usage by setting a time to check your phone each night after work.
  • Real connections: talk to real humans in real life, without a screen in sight.
  • Don’t multitask: do 1 thing at a time to be more efficient and attentive.
  • Do nothing: Focus on nothing but your breathing and being in the moment for 5 mins.
  • Use your senses: for instance, when you’re eating, notice the taste, texture, and smell to be fully engaged in what you’re doing.

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