How to use the King Price accident form

What to do after a car accident Oh gosh, getting into a car accident ranks right up there as 1 of the top 10 worst things to happen to you. We don’t think we’re being overly dramatic when we say that. Yes, there’s lots of terrible things that can happen, but car accidents definitely count as major ordeals. To us, […]

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The 7 wonders of our royal kingdom

At King Price, we’re so much more than just a building full of slush puppy zombies… We’re a family. That means that there’s the odd clash, perhaps an incident of hair pulling, and the occasional water balloon fight. It also means that we’re fun-loving, hard-working, and are always around to lend a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on. […]

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Survive summer with these water savvy tips

The king has some water savvy tips for you to survive summer. South Africa recently suffered 1 of the biggest droughts in over 30 years… El Nino sure has wreaked havoc, causing 5 of our provinces to have been declared drought disaster areas, and all municipalities to have implemented strict water restrictions. In many areas, it’s still unusually dry.

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