What does ‘third party liability’ mean?

Third party liability simply means responsibility. You might not think of yourself as the adventurous type, but the fact is that we all take risks every day, no matter whether we’re just making toast, driving to work or getting out of bed in the morning. There’s no telling when an accident can happen, or who, or how many people might […]

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Your attitude determines your altitude

Looking at all the pictures of the dress-up days, parties and general madness on the King Price Facebook page, it’s easy to think that we just fool around all day long. The reality, however, is that each of us here works super hard to reach our shared goal of becoming a leader in the South African insurance industry.

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Understanding your exclusions

Every single day King Price pays out R1 million in claims…. Claims for car accidents, for stolen cars, for break-ins and for building damage, you name the disaster and we’ll be there, next to our clients, giving them a hand, however we can.

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What does ‘retail value’ really mean?

So, King Price insures your car for its full retail value at the time of the incident (the theft or the accident). Awesome, right? Yeah! We only insure for retail value currently. But what does it actually mean?

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The king lets you choose your own excess

Over here in the kingdom of King Price, we like to try to give you as many options as we can. We’re not just talking about ‘chicken or beef’ choice, we’re talking real choice that makes a real difference to your pocket, and to your life. As you probably already know, your basic car excess is the amount of money […]

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How to save money on your home contents insurance

Between etolls and inflation, we’re all looking for ways to save a little extra every month. Sometimes that means cutting back on how often you eat out, buying a cheaper shampoo, or waiting for that latest block buster to come out on DVD, instead of seeing it on the big screen…. But sometimes, it can mean upgrading your home a […]

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