The fuss about your insurance benefits

Get the most out of your assist insurance benefits It’s super important to consider price and what it is exactly that you’re covered for when you’re in the market for insurance. But that’s not the only thing. You should also consider the insurance benefits you get with your cover. You know, the nice-to-have’s. The cherry-on-top’s.

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Streamline your insurance

Time that has been wasted is time that can never be regained. In a world where time is one of our most valuable commodities, everyone is looking for a way to save a little extra time and get super cheap insurance.

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Home contents and building insurance – what’s the diff?

I hear a lot of people say: “What is building insurance? Do I need it? And if so, surely I don’t need home contents insurance too?” And then sometimes they say “Who are you, why are you wearing a crown, and and how did you get onto my property?” But let’s ignore that part for now…

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A quick guide to King Price’s policies

Making sure that all of your precious treasures are covered can be confusing (and let’s be honest, kinda boring unless you insure with King Price). Sure, getting car insurance for your car is straightforward…. But what about everything else?

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Applying for a bond – Can you select your own building insurance?

Building insurance is an essential aspect of owning property with a structure on it. No matter if it’s your weekend getaway spot or the house you live in, having it insured is of the utmost importance. For the sake of clarity, this type of insurance covers any built structures including your home, garages or outbuildings – should they get damaged in […]

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Building insurance is worth more than you think!

You need to get your hands on building insurance as soon as you own any kind of building – whether it’s the house you live in or the remotely located holiday flat you escape to when the in-laws are threatening to visit. Basically, building insurance takes care of the permanent, built structures on your property like your house and its outbuildings. Many people are […]

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