6 Father’s Day gifts that he’ll actually like

Dear old Daddykins… Once a year we come together and give our fathers and father-figures a little treat to remind them that they’re pretty amazing. Well, even though he has become a veritable pro at smiling warmly at the very prospect of receiving his 100th pair of socks, soap-on-a-rope, and coffee mug, it’s starting to become a little easy to […]

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Protect your home during the festive season

December has become synonymous with surf, family time, sunshine, summer fun… And crime. Unfortunately, our beautiful land is somewhat afflicted by an increase of burglaries and other serious crimes over the festive season. Coming home from your well-deserved time off can be a little sad. After all, it signifies the end of a memorable time. It can only be more […]

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What’s in your cubby hole?

Way back when, drivers used to keep their hands at a comfy, cosy temperature by wearing gloves whenever they took to the open road. That’s because most early cars didn’t have a hard top so the fast-moving air would cool the drivers’ hands and make them numb.

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5 things that are super cheap when you join the king

Super Cheap Insurance From King Price There’s no doubt about it. Price is king. It determines where we shop for curtains, where we call home, how long we work for… And who we insure with. If it’s not the biggest deciding factor, it comes pretty darn close, right? You know it’s true and we completely understand.

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Kick the digital addiction habit

We recently launched our R1 insurance, which lets you add cover for your Apple watch (and a few other things) to your car cover, and we got to talking about how deeply embedded technology is into our lives. Literally, your Apply watch can track your health activity, keep comms with friends and colleagues, run a wide range of apps… And […]

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Sometimes cheaper IS better

Sometimes cheaper insurance IS better… People bandy about the expression, ‘you get what you pay for,’ when they’re justifying a higher cost. Or looking at the bits of plastic that surround your broken treadmill, which cost you around R50.

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